
What is your motivation?

Written by Mark Van Steenwyk : November 4, 2004

This is a good post by HouseChurchBlog about the motivation behind “doing” church in houses instead of in the traditional manner. Here’s a sample:

I want to see God’s people unleashed. Is that too big of a dream or what? As idealistic as it may sound, this motivates me. I want to see His glory cover the earth through His people who are lovers of God, lovers of each other, and living compassionate, power-enhanced lives. These are people who go through the same problems and strains as anyone else, but they do it openly, vulnerably, and their dependence on God and His grace poured out in their lives shines through them. They are weak, but Oh he is strong! They engage their spiritual gifts and their compassion in everyday life. Through thick and thin, they live for Him, give for Him, and ultimately truly, really desire only the One Thing–more of Him.

Lord, help us be your people!

for further reading . . .

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